Sunday, July 13, 2008

Project Anxiety

Thursday, 7/10
So, next week we start our projects. We had just a little bit of time to brain storm today after doing some GPS orienteering, tree core work, and wetland classifications with Steve (Eleanor's husband) and Lara. There wasn't a whole lot of time to talk about it, but it's been on my mind all week. Even so, I still do not have a good idea of what to do. I would like to go beyond my comfort zone and do something different that will stretch me a bit. Essentially this means no wildlife bio work. Bu this I mean trapping collaring and studying population numbers. It's fun and important, but I've done a bit of it before But then again maybe I could integrate something into some wildlife work with the agriculture and urban interface with the headwaters. Who knows. Anyway, I can at least be clear with what I would like NOT to do: plants/trees, wetlands/hydrology research.
I am open to:
Birds, biodiversity studies and the aforementioned wildlife agriculture interface.
I think the idea of identifying travel corridors between protected and unprotected land would be cool and see just how much use by how many critters are skulking around in peoples back yards and fields without them being the wiser. We'll see if anyone of the other students are thinking along the same lines. It should all shake out by Tuesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,

I am glad you are pushing your comfort zone when thinking about the research project. It is what I like to advocate (and I am sure you do also) to my students. I am sure there will be a project where your interests can surface.

Keep adding your voice about how you inspire your students to care about the environment. It will enhance the summer institute for many of the students.